Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The Bells Are Ringing Out for The Fall of the Doctor..

Christmas is just around the corner, Bloggersphere!

I love Christmas. It's the time of year when family differences are put aside and everyone comes together for a nice day of food and laughter. It's the one day where there's no work, no rushing around or necessity to go outside and run errands. For one day every year everything is calm. It's nice when you think about it like that.

I've been away from home the past few months so coming back here is nice. Seeing my family is the biggest plus point of being back and I adore having their company again. The sound of their voices has been sorely missed. I've also missed the small vicinity of my Hometown. I didn't think I would, I left it for that reason after all. But being able to walk everywhere in a matter of 10 minutes, of having my friends basically around the corner, the beach in viewing distance of my window, is a comfort I'd never really thought of before.

However, Christmas not only brings presents and mountains of food - it also brings the Christmas Special of Doctor Who. A tradition in my house every year is to watch the Who special and every year we wait to see if the current Doctor will make it for another trip in the Tardis.

I've been a Whovian for a few years now, a follower of Eccelston through Smith. When Matt Smith was first brought in as the Doctor I was adamant not to like him. After David Tennant's 'I don't want to go', I didn't want him to go either and with tears in my eyes I committed myself to disliking the big-nosed new guy who was imitating my Doctor.

But as time has passed Smith has proved to be a worthy Doctor Who. Tennant will always be the man that pulls on my heartstrings with his range of emotional acting, but Smith has made me laugh, made me understand the Doctor that little bit more, and has become my friend. He never had a relationship with his companion - which was a necessary relief - instead introduced to us River and Amy and Rory who have all become as much family to us viewers as the Doctor himself.

I will be sad to see Matt Smith go. He's been a fun and troubled version of the Doctor that I have thoroughly enjoyed watching. With his cool bow ties and extravagant hand-talking he's been amusing, acting more like a child than previous Doctor's. Fez's off to Moffat for the story lines too - albeit confusing, they were thought provoking and a took a different twist to the usual Who plots.

Now to see how Clara develops as a companion to the new Doctor in the New Year. So far she's one of my favourite companions and I hope that her story continues. And let's hope Peter Capaldi can keep that sharp tongue of his bitten for the new child audience he's being introduced to...

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