Friday, 28 September 2012

The big scary 'U'...

It's been a very long time since I've written a blog people and that's mostly because nothing was happening in my life back in April. But a lot has happened since then, giving me some blog material.

In this particular blog I'm approaching that big important 'U'. In case you can't work out what the hell I'm talking about - per usual - it's University.

The majority of my friends and year all disappeared from my home town this September and dispersed across the country, to their respective new homes.
I, however, am still in the same place, having missed the boat that sailed to the land of University. Back in October last year, when everyone made their choices of which University to attend, I was at a loss. I had no idea what I wanted to study, let alone where I wanted to pack myself off too. As a writer you think my choice would have been easy - writing. But at the time I wasn't really aware that there was a writing course, if I'm honest. My ambition had always been to go and study English Literature at University. It was what I was good at after all. But after having to take my AS exam three times I quite clearly saw that perhaps I wasn't as good as I thought I was. I was then stuck with nothing. So as everyone else chose their courses and attended open days, I still had no clue what I was doing with my life.
It wasn't until July this year that I finally discovered the course for me. It was as if it had been screaming at me all this time, waving it's tiny university arms saying 'pick me! pick me!' and I had been blind to it. And with the discovery of the course came the quick decision of my ideal University. I'm now going to study Creative Writing and Media at Kingston University (hopefully) to try and get into the literary and publishing business. But by the time this years term came around I had missed the marker for my chance at going this year. There was always the possibility of going through clearing, but the idea of packing up my life and moving to a place I'd never been before to attend a University I'd never seen terrified me, so that wasn't an option.
Instead I watched all my friends leave. There are a few us left here and those few are quickly becoming my close friends.

It may sound like I've just moaned about my idiocy in this blog, but what I'm trying to get at is University is huge. It's a painful process and a massive life change. You leave home, you live alone for possibly the first time in your life and you become an actual adult. You study for a degree; a crucially important qualification in your future. And in those three or four years that you spend away you discover who you really are. You may finally see what sort of person you have become or will become, you might realise you don't really like the subject at all (which will suck for you). You never know, you might even find love.

Seeing all the photos posted on Facebook over the past few weeks of people at Freshers, makes me feel like all my friends are now significantly older than me. They make me excited for when my turn comes around.

All I want to say to any of my 'Uni friends' reading this is don't forget me! aha! Have a great time, don't miss a moment and look out for me next year, because I'm coming for y'all.

Signing off.

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