Thursday, 5 January 2012

Well, Hi There I Guess...

Hi, guys =)
I've never actually done one of these things before so I apologise for anything embarrassing I say or do and I hope that I don't bore you all too much =L
Don't expect anything too inspiring - mostly pointless chitchat about the things that go on in my life and head..

A little bit about me then whilst we're here =)
My name is Charlotte =) I'm a fictional novelist with the hopes of being published one day. I've wanted to be a writer since the age of about 10 and I don't really know what else I'd do with myself if I couldn't do that as a living.. For now though I'm in my second year at college, pretty much failing but trying my best as I do =L I have been addicted to Facebook, Twitter and various fansites for all my favourite books. Now I can't stand Facebook really, can be found on Twitter a lot of the time, rambling away, and I still stalk my favourite books for months after, completely obsessed. I have two younger siblings, I can't cook anything but pasta, I have no particular fashion sense apart from skinny jeans and band tees - if you count that as a fashion.. I'm a sap when it comes to love and romance, I can always be found with a book or pen and paper in my hand and would love to travel the world one day. I have little common sense, spend most of my time with my head in the clouds or my current novel that I'm writing and I'm too forgiving for my own good.

So yeah, hope that you enjoy what I have to post. Can't promise my posts will be at any particular time of the month/week. Just whenever I feel like it/have something interesting to say/have the time to post.


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